Google Analytics 4 Setup Service

As a Google Analytics consultant, we know website analytics setup can be a major headache for a lot of businesses. Our Google Analytics setup service is designed with you in mind, to get you over that initial hurdle and gently introduce you to the benefits of tracking!

What’s Included in the Analytics Setup Service?

Requirements for Analytics setup are often dependent on the goals of the business and website. Website platform (WordPress, Shopify etc) can also impact setup. Below are our 2 most popular packages for Google Analytics Setup. We can also customise setup to your needs, so if neither package suits, just get in touch!

Basic SetupFull Setup
GA4 Property
Search Console Installed and Verified
Google Tag Manager Property
Core Conversion Tracking (Form Submission or eCommerce Purchase)*
Additional Conversions (forms, downloads, newsletters, additional ecommerce engagements, click to email etc)*
Technical Settings (Timezones, currency etc)
Custom SEO Report Library
Custom Social Media Report Library
Up to 2hrs Training

* While we’ll strive to setup conversion tracking for you, platform specific factors can sometimes become barriers. We’ll aim to understand this at the start of the project.

Our Full Setup Service Includes

Technical Setup

Removing the headaches by helping ensure key settings, conversions and connections are in place from the start.


Thoroughly testing setup and addressing issues now, for peace of mind longer term.

Introductory Training

Basic training, providing you the confidence needed to start using your tracking tools!


Conversion Tracking

Whether you’re an eCommerce store, a service driving form submissions, or looking to understand other important engagements, we’ll work with you to ensure you most valuable user engagement points are setup to track correctly. This could include:

  • eCommerce engagements (purchases, Adds to Cart, View items etc)
  • Contact Forms, Call back forms etc
  • Newsletter signups / download signups.
  • Livechat interaction
  • Click to call / click to email / click to external links.
  • and more!…
Google Analytics Training

Google Analytics Training

We want you to get the most from having Analytics tools setup and running, and that means actually using them, finding opportunities within the data and implementing change and reviewing impact.

Whether it’s making pages easier to read, driving up clicks on CTAs, or refining marketing targeting, data can help.

We’ll set aside up to 2hrs of time purely for training to help you get started and find your way around!

Custom Report Libraries

There is a lot of data in Google Analytics. Until you get into a regular pattern of using it you may well feel a sense of data overload!

We know how important Organic Search (SEO) and Social Media are to many businesses in terms of marketing, so as part of our setup we’ll create a custom suite of reports just for you, focusing on those 2 main areas.

So while you’re learning your way around all other reports, you’ll have quick and easy access to key reports that you can use from the start!

Google Analytics 4 Library Reports
Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager Setup

Tag Manager has been around a while, despite it still being new to so many businesses. In the world of Google Analytics 4, Tag Manager is a fantastic asset to add to your suite of tools. Allowing for a more flexible setup of tracking events for GA4, it also brings with it additional benefits:

  • Quickly implement tags and scripts on your website.
  • All tags controlled in one place.
  • Can be used to install other tracking tags (Facebook Pixel etc)
  • Ability to use “debug mode” alongside Google Analytics 4.

Who is the Google Analytics Setup Service for?

In short, it’s for anyone who wants to start using data to improve the performance of their website and marketing channels. Whether you’re a beginner who has never used web analytics before, or you already have it setup but want to gain more from it, our Google Analytics consultancy and setup service is designed for you.

Our full package includes setup, testing, customisation and training, meaning you can move on and use your time to better understand user behaviours and implement improvements!

Looking for more than a setup service?

If you are looking for more than an initial setup of website analytics, we provide a range of digital improvement services, from digital marketing consultancy dedicated website analytics training, website performance recommendations on any of the tools we use. Have any questions? Get in touch with us today!

Some of our clients, past and present

We’ve had the pleasure of working with a long list of companies from across the UK and beyond. From small startups to established organisations, we work to build trusting relationships.