Chat, Debate and more at the Business Growth Show, Glasgow

It might have been a miserable day outside, but it was far from miserable inside, as the Business Growth Show and its accompanying atmosphere came to Glasgow.

A dreich start to the day, following a night of monsoon-like wind and rain, was soon brightened as the show got under way at the Thistle Hotel in the City Centre. With its requirement for fast paced pitching and its control via a very loud whistle, the opening round of Speed Networking was enough to fully waken everyone in the room, regardless of whether or not they were taking part.

That set the tone for a six hour networking event bringing together business of varying size and sector for lively chat, debate and discussion. After bumping in to various familiar faces, putting faces to names we’d already heard about, meeting a host of completely new contacts, taking part in our first ever Speed Networking session and consuming what can only be described as an unhealthy volume of coffee, we’re sold on the idea of the Business Growth Show, and look forward to its next visit to town.

The variety of sector representation ranged from our Web Analytics and Conversion Optimisation services through to Designers, Accountants, Domainers, IT Service Suppliers, Plastic Fabricators, Managed Hosting Providers, Telecom Consultancies, Printing Suppliers and more.

Now to follow up on all the good conversation … and no doubt consume yet another unhealthy volume of coffee in the process!

Visit the Business Growth Show website to find out more about its various stops around the UK.

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