UWS invites Aillum along to talk Web Analytics with Honours Students

The University of the West of Scotland (UWS) has invited Aillum along as a guest speaker to deliver a Presentation and Question / Answer session to its Business Intelligence Honours year students, who are focusing on Web Analytics as part of their final year.

As well as studying Web Analytics as part of their final, several students have chosen to make it the focus of their final year project, with analysis on how it can be used to benefit SMEs and other organisations.

The subjects of Web Analytics and Conversion Rate Optimisation are becoming increasingly important today, with companies aiming to refine their online activities in an attempt to increase their impact on business objectives. With increased competition online, improved technologies and a growth in online marketing channels, it’s imperative that companies focus their resources on driving up conversions, interactions and engagements for improved ROI, rather than a sole focus on driving up traffic levels.

We’re now considering a number of options on how to deliver such a presentation to ensure maximum benefit to the students, with one option being to tackle the Students Coursework ourselves using a live client, to give the students a real life example of the benefits of Web Analytics.

We’ll of course post an update after the presentation, to let you know if we survived!

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