Ensuring Efficiency and Accountability through Web Analytics

“With cuts appearing left, right and centre, there is definitely a need for companies to focus on efficiency and bang-for buck.

Company Internet activities should not fall outside such an efficiency drive, yet on our travels over the years we’ve seen (and still see!) plenty of examples where websites and online marketing channels are viewed as ‘Other’ activity with little, if any, accountability put on them.”

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These are the opening paragraphs to a suggested contribution we sent over to the Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce for the latest edition of their popular Business Matters magazine – and they’ve kindly decided to include it for all to read.

Our focus within the contributing article was to encourage business to place the same accountability, and efficiency expectations, on their online activities as they would on all other processes within the company. We also provided a few insights into how this process could be started using a tool such as Google Analytics.

To read the full article, download the Business Matters magazine from the Renfrewshire Chamber website, and turn your attentions to page 27.

If you’re interested in driving efficiency and accountability into your online activities, then contact us to discuss our Web Analytic Services.

Also, if you’re interested in joining the Chamber, then view their Member Benefits page for more detail on what’s included within the membership fees.

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