Tip 17 of 31: Organise your Digital Marketing with Google Calendar and Google Forms

Our 17th tip is brought to us by Gordon Kedslie from Cobry! With remote working on the increase, Gordon kindly gave some of his time to offer some tips on how Google Workspace tools (Calendar and Forms) can improve scheduling, organisation and consistency of your Digital Marketing.

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What is Google Workspace?

Google Workspace is Google’s suite of cloud based business tools aimed at improving collaboration and productivity. It includes Docs, Calendar, GMail, Meet and more.

Many of you will already be aware of it and possibly be using it (we do here at Aillum).

Google Workspace offers both paid and free versions, and both include tools that can be used to help you improve the consistency, organisation and management of your digital marketing activity.

We invited Cobry along to discuss those tools as our guest for tip 17!

Marketing Schedule: Creating a Shared Calendar within Google Workspace

Google Calendar is a great tool to help manage your digital marketing schedule. More so, sharing that calendar with others on your team means everyone involved can see times, dates & descriptions associated with each activity.

In his first tip, Gordon offers an overview of how to setup a shared Google Calendar to get you started.

“It’s good to have everyone on a level with everything that’s going on marketing wise.”

“One of the first tips we’re going to chat about is using Google Calendar for creating your marketing schedule and making sure your whole team knows about any campaigns that are ongoing, and can get involved with anything on social media that’s maybe going out, for them to engage with. Of course, the more engagement you get, the more exposure you’re going to have.” discusses Gordon.

Full interview embedded at top of page!

Data Collection: Use Google Forms for signups, Enquiry Forms and Surveys

According to Gordon, Google Forms is “One of the more powerful aspects of Google Workspace, but also a very much lesser known area. A lot of people don’t know about Google Forms. When they think about the editors available within Google Workspace, they think Docs, Sheets and Slides.”

“It’s a really powerful way to go about data collection, using it for signup forms or lead generation forms.”

In his 2nd tip Gordon discusses use of Google Forms for event signup and lead generation.

Full interview embedded at top of page!

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Find out more about Gordon and the team at Cobry

To find out more about Comsteria and the services they offer:

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Google Calendar and Google Forms

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