Tip 14 of 31: Register your TikTok Username and Familiarise yourself with the Platform now!

Our 14th tip is brought to us by Colin Kelly from Comsteria. With so many companies still unsure how TikTok could fit within their business, Colin kindly gave some of his time to offer some excellent tips to get you started and interested in the potential of the platform.

To keep up with all 31 tips, visit the full list here, or join the newsletter for a weekly summary email, or follow us on your preferred social channel: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or subscribe to our channel on Youtube.

Why Register your username on TikTok

Along with the discussion on features and case studies offered by Colin in tip 14, one of the key points raised is to get on and claim your username.

“One thing I’d advise all of you to do, whatever your intentions with TikTok, is go on and claim your username. We’ve done that. We’re @comsteria on TikTok. We got our username because we got in quickly enough.”

“Even if you never post a video, get on there and take your profile, your username, and it means if you ever do want to add a video, then at least you’ve got your proper brand identity.” comments Colin.

Here at Aillum we admit to not having tried TikTok ourselves for business, but we’ve now taken Colins advice from this tip and claimed our username (@aillum), just incase we ever want to use it!

How can you use TikTok for business?

We’re not going to claim to be experts on the topic of TikTok … that’s why we invited Colin along to discuss it!

Within the video Colin offers excellent case studies, provides detail on some of the features available, the focus points of the platform, and discusses a side to it beyond the dancing and pranks many of us think it’s dedicated to.

Not being TikTok users ourselves yet, we found this tip hugely beneficial from Comsteria and recommend you watch the video above if you’ve not already done so!

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Find out more about Colin Kelly and Comsteria

To find out more about Comsteria and the services they offer:

Visit the website: https://www.comsteria.co.uk/
Follow on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/comsteria/ and https://www.linkedin.com/in/colinkellymedia/
Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/comsteria
Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/comsteria and https://twitter.com/colinkelly
Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPRbWHZG_57wtZG683murVw

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